Don’t worry – SEO is here that makes the content UXO?


SEO is a long-term game, isn’t it? With the advancement in technology, many businesses have understood the concept of content which is the king. Without content, there is no means and marketing. With the proper content, businesses have done so many things like:

  • Building awareness among the customers
  • Providing the proper quality of products/ services to their potential customers
  • Understanding the buyer persona ( going through each stage of the consumer buying- “Awareness- Consideration- Decision”

But there is some difference, reading all the points are not only important but also what matters is: Solving the Customer Problems, that is the key to content writing. That’s why many businesses did blunders for the same.

Now you might wonder: What is “Content Writing”. Basically, to go into this, let me tell you something. It’s con-tent, not cun-tent. Many people out there didn’t even pronounce the content word in a good manner.

So, content is just a set of sentences or kind of bunch which inspires, educates, entertains, and most importantly persuades the specific set of audiences in such a manner that they can find the solution to the problem. But how they can find a solution in the first place. 

SEO content writing

Your answer is “SEO”

See, SEO is a game of playing with your content by pointing out specific keywords in your article in such a manner that it can become search engine optimized. Because actually you are writing content both for users and optimized for search engines. But what matters the most is: How you optimized the user experience.

There are basically three things which meant to be done when it comes to SEO content writing:-

  1. Relevancy- how your content becomes relevant to the search query
  2. Authority- how you make your website more authoritative so that you can get enough traction in the form of traffic. 
  3. User signals- How your content interacts with your target customer, i.e the important thing.

If you want to become a good content writer, you first have to work on these three parameters which I mentioned above. Apart from it, there are other criteria that Google considers from the SEO perspective as a ranking factor.

  • Page speed

  • Secured website

  • Your article should be properly optimized ( On page and Off page)

  • Domain age, URL, and credibility of your website

  • Mobile-friendliness

  • Links 

But first, you have to go through step wise step process which is:

  • You discover your niche, which is another game
  • Then you have to do research for the keywords, finding competition in your niche, and then matching keywords in the ocean 
  • After that, use that keyword which you select and writing the content for those keywords to make it user-friendly.

For the keywords, you have to go specific because “SPECIFIC IS TERRIFIC”. When you break the broad keywords into specific keywords, competition is less and you can easily rank for those keywords and monetize them. SEO is a game that can make or break your career. So, let’s do it together.

My partner is also doing freelancing with me, you can learn SEO content writing

I hope you liked it. 

For further inquiries, you can contact me freely!!!!

Book a consultation call and get ready to optimized your article.

Some of the Reference articles :

  1. Learn affiliate marketing – An ultimate guide
  2. Learn public speaking

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